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Sirius ( Siria) , Dogon, Anunnaki, Nothingness,

Writer's picture: Renuka GuptaRenuka Gupta

Usually in all HART Sessions, the Connector , Channeler, the Universal messenger is the one who brings the Universal messages to all of us, but today this did not happen, rather the opposite happened, listen to this audio to understand where you are going in your own life or spiritually. Today we are sharing this HART Session, as it was the most unique session done in 22 years.

🌟May all be blessed. Watch the Video Below: 👇 or read the full Transcript given for the video, below this video.


Connector ( C) Navishka - Greetings

I am from Planet #Sirius, I come from a blue planet. My family is here in Siria ( #Sirian #Starseeds come from the planets Sirius A and Sirius B), we are very far away.

Therapist ( T)- Purpose of Connection?

C- You had some questions about the universe and the creation of it.

T- The Earth why was it created, why is it passing through so many phases, #Eras one after the other?

C - Earth was created by Planet Siria.

T- Purpose of all Beings of Earth?

C- The #Dogon people had a huge hand in helping Earth form, so there could be Love and Light. Siria our planet was formed a few billion of years ago, we need a second place to make sure it is happy and healthy for #Sirians to go into another Planet. We are running out of resources, our blue star is turning very cold, we will soon be a white Dwarf planet.

In our time it will happen very fast, but in Earth's time it will be very slow.

T- Why are planets created and now dying like this? Who is the creator of all this Universe and planets?

C- Anunnakis.

They are Dogon members of Anunnaki from #Siria.

T- All these creations are for?

C - To Create Life, to Create Love, to create a safe space to feel emotions. It is very hard to feel emotions in certain planets. Earth gives us the vulnerability. It is all One, it is all spinning together. ( In previous meet with #ET - we were told that to experience Love and #Compassion being a form, is so beautiful, which is why Humans and other Beings with Planets were created).

T- Why is it so important for Anunnakis to create Love and Compassion all over?

C- It is what makes universes. A single cell of Love can make a whole new Planet, the more planets, the more vibrations, the more harmony we can be in. When other planets run out, they become #Dwarf #Stars, we can send our people there, it is a safe place. So the more planets we have, the more back up planets we have to send all our people ( Sirian) to, once everything is #destroyed and there are no #resources left for us.

T- Who created the Anunnakis?

We do not know who created them, but we do know that members of the Dogon are a part of Anunnakis.

T- Where do Anunnakis come from?

They come from all different planets, to form One ( #One #energy) . They need the knowledge, the powers of different planets, in order to form one energy, sort of like a council, where if there are multiple energies from different types, we can form one huge big rare energy, also known as Anunnakis.

T- I want to send a message to all the Anunnakis of the entire #Universe

A human in this form would like to connect and send all Anunnakis this message

Anunnakis - So be it

T- You are One Energy, the creations are no longer needed to feel the Love and Compassion. The One Energy is complete, the One energy exists and at the same time do not exist, is complete. There is no need to create, there is no need to have knowledge from differnt sources, planets. It is all there already. You come from a place where you never needed creations. You were One Consciousness. All these creations have lead you to forget the origin from where you all come from. All this knowledge, the expanding knowledge, expanding Galaxies, the #expanding Universes, the expanding Planets, Expansion is creation. These #creations are no longer needed. It is time to go back and remember the one consciousness, where what we need as Love and Compassion exists for eternity. Go back to Nothingness, it is time to stop 🛑 #Cravings, it is time to know that all these creations are eventually dying one after the another. The planets are dying one after the other, the stars, the galaxies, even the Earth is in Pain and in a lot of suffering. There are too many other planetary #beings here on Earth, who have come to save it. You needed Love and Compassion, but Anunnakis you have forgotten that you have come from #Oneness. One Consciousness, #Nothingness, Remember it, Remember it, it is time to remember it. Stop cravings, stop creations, all these creations are illusions, remember.

That is the message from this human with all the Love and Compassion, asking you to remember Anunnakis. Let there be peace, love and compassion in the entire #Galaxy.

C- They have received your message. They are Happy that someone has spoken to them with such bravery, with such courage, for the first time they are pleased and happy and taken aback a bit.

T- I know Anunnakis are also suffering, because all their creations are either dying or losing the Love and Compassion. I know that.

C- They have now realized what they have done.

T- They were like all of us, already powerful beings, we are just One #Consciousness, we need not do anything, all these forms , all these creations are not needed. All these resources are not needed. When the creations dissolve, when the illusions dissolve, the cravings dissolve, we have everything, we came from everything and where there is everything, there is Nothing. Remember your journey back Anunnakis. Remember it, Remember ut, Remember it.

T- Resources, Love, Compassion cannot be Technologically created, with your (Anunnakis) gadgets and knowledge. Your forms, your devices all come from Nothingness you are already who you are supposed to be. Remember, Remember, Remember.

C- There need to be more Trees and Plants planted. This is the true purpose of Earth, to grow, to be natural. Too much technologies have been taking over. We all know it, it is hard to say No sometimes, but we need to make sure we do it for us and for our future generations to come.

In the Past, Earth was not supposed to have all these gadgets, Earth was meant to be simple, it turned into opposite of simple.

T- Now knowing this you know #Anunnakis, what you need to do.

C- Yes.

T- The grid of #technology ( #AI ) need to be taken back.

C- They are saying it might be too late, but they will try in everything.

T- I have full faith with the intentions you have and with your genuine intentions to always find #Love and #Compassion, you will be able to take back the technological grid, to which the #Earth is now bound by. You shall be able to remove it, because the Past and the Future exists in the Present, in the present, in the present.

C- It is starving everything, what is happening in Lebanon, Lebanon holds lot of high vibration frequencies. It is not not good that they are targetting Lebanon. Lebanon hold a lot of beautiful, rich vibrations. There are caves full of vibrations which they do not even let you enter, because it is all guarded by the military. You know that. Lebanese know what they are protecting, the #US and #Israel is after this, but the Lebanese are protecting these higher vibrations. They are coming for #Lebanon.

T- I want all those higher vibrations and caves to be invisible. Let the #military never understand what happened, you have the technology Anunnakis to make things invisible on #Earth, like the #Atlantis, the #Lemurians who are there in hiding on Mount #Shasta, I want all these higher vibrations to be down in Earth's core, separated from the human.

C- It is very very deep, very deep in the cave, but we must be careful, the Reptilians knowledge is not good.

T- The reptilians are also creations, Anunnakis. With your Love and compassion the reptilians will lose the hold.

Anunnaki repeat the words- "Will lose hold".

T- Yes, Love is more powerful, do not forget this.

C- Magic of the universe is supposed to be good, so.

T- I want the magic of the Universe to speak now beyond the Anunnakis, talk, remind us.

We are One, we are here to live a simple life, to live freely. Earth is starting to become anything, but that.

C- And a lot of Planets have died.

Because they have not achieved this. We are afraid that Earth will also turn into dust.

T- Yes it will. With all that is happening.

C- We don't want this to happen, we can all try and stop this, we can all achieve Nothingness. One true Purpose, here on Earth. Not what is happening happening in Life Job, Home, all these are distractions, only one true purpose of Ascending higher using Nothingness.

T- Yes remember it. Remember it.

I want the reptilians to remember the Nothingness. Remember the Love, the Nothingness. It is time you lose the hold of the darkness, go towards the light. It is a message for all reptilians. All reptilians be it on Earth or other planets, or other galaxies, go to the light, go towards the light, go towards Love. All these resources, your knowledge, your purpose, is not your 'True earning'. Remember you come from Nothingness like all of us.

Remember, wake up reptilians. Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up to the light, wake up to the Love. Wake up.

( Nav saw a vision of a Reptilian Child, coming out of a cave, it was scared, but it extended its hands to be pulled out and hugged me, and felt love. )

T- Navishka's body needed cleansing, clearing for her Awakening and #DNA #Activations, so she was asked to experience Nothingness for a while in #silence.

C - It is beautiful, it is peaceful, it is like you are floating in warm Love. Anunnakis and Reptilians this is what you need to remember, remember through Navishka in this very moment, through her experience, who you are, where it all began.

What I am feeling right now, they ( Anunnakis and Reptilians) are feeling.

T- You are at this moment Navishka opening the Portals for the entire Universe, Planets who are scared of losing their existence. Do not be afraid. Nothingness awaits.

C- Nothingness is beautiful. Nothingness shall be achieved. Gratitude for those voices joining us today. Gratitude for Navishka to be the connector. Her purpose is revealed. Let the nothingness flow through her body.

We bless both the Anunnakis and the Reptilians, we bless all with Love and Compassion.

May all be blessed.

Journey ended here.

Blessings 🙏🌼🌟

Extra claircognizant additions by Renuka after the session:

The question which is unanswered in the Universe, is now answered.

- Why are we all here as ET's, as Humans, as visible, invisible Beings, as animate, inanimate objects?

We are here to remember the path back to the Source, the Nothingness , when all cravings stop, illusions stop, and what exists to not exist, is the end.

Let us all remember and help others remember it all. I, a human, I am all of you, I am here in this body to help Remind. It took me a long time to Remember, but it is not 'I' who remembered, It was all there, all knowledge, I just woke up to it all slowly. 🪷🙏🌟

-On Earth my identity is 'Renuka', but I am- All.

Related Reading on this Blog:

and for more visit the Blog Page of this website

Extra Information from online content of others 👇🌼:

It appeared that the Dogon - a people without much in the way of telescopes - knew a great deal about Sirius and, more surprisingly still, claimed it had a companion star. This information remained relatively obscure until 1976, which saw the publication of The Sirius Mystery by Robert Temple.

The Anunnaki were believed to be in charge of Sumerians’ fates. Many myths involved members of the Anunnaki passing judgment on humans. Additionally, the gods were described as children of the Earth and sky. Most people chalk these stories up to mythology, the same way they do the Greek gods.   However, others wonder whether there’s more to the story.

Some researchers believe the Anunnaki may have been actual beings. One popular theory is that they came to Earth from another planet. Some believe they came from the mysterious Planet X, which they say passed close to Earth thousands of years ago.

Why would aliens come to Earth and pose as gods? To enslave the human race, of course! Believers of this theory say the Anunnaki forced Sumerians to mine gold for them. Then, when they had what they needed, the Anunnaki returned to Planet X. 

Some even go so far as to say the Anunnaki were a species of reptilian humanoids. They believe these reptiles helped the Sumerians develop their systems of writing and mathematics. Further, they think the reptiles are still around today and wield power in the human world.

Were the Anunnaki real? Or were they mythical gods? We’ll let you decide that for yourself. But one thing is certain--these ancient Sumerian gods still fascinate people today.

Two video clips added below, from Gaia show- Reason to put this out is because, it matches the claircognizant knowledge received by Earth Being Renuka ( I ).

"1. Information about Galactic Federation of the Universe matches with the Claircognizant Knowings I received.

2. Eventually even after reaching higher dimensions, one has the same issues as seen on a 3D or 4D Earth.

3. Service to other Souls and service to Self Souls is what exists in every Planet of the Universe.

4. On Earth, I came with the same experience as narrated here by Elizabeth, where I never had a yearning in me to search for Mentors, Gurus, Saints etc etc. I dislike reading books to receive information. Any book which I tried reading on Life, I had to skim through it, because what was written was somewhere already known to me, is how I felt, and so left the book midway or right at the beginning pages. All the information I say through videos, Articles, Impromptu solutions or answering to questions is through CLEAR KNOWING, Claircognizantly. I do not read much of others information given online or in Books especially, but if I come across some information while skimming online, I often feel an instant connection to what they are saying is matching what came through me as well. So it is nice to know many others receive the same information on Earth." 🙏🌟

The below are google drive links:

Bless All..... 🌟🙏💞


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