The Divine Source was asked to connect today, who introduced itself as ' I am'
I am :
I am here within the chaos of this Earth. Greetings!
I can be present alongside with Chaos.
Are you present inside each and every creation?
I am:
Yes, I am everywhere in every vibration, every object and every creation, and with Destruction comes creation. I am there.

The phases of creation and destruction, can you explain the significance.
I am :
It can only create one thing- 'more' and evolve more from breaking something. You cannot evolve if you are in the same stagnant space, you must destroy the old you to become the new you, evolve to be the best of your self.
If you are within us, why is it necessary for us to come out of you?
I am :
Because you must find your own path, everyone should find their own path of destruction, in order to find the source. There is no rebirth, without any death.
Is there a way in which all can come back to you.
I am:
I am always there within you. With every creation of the world I am there. The creation of all within.
The Chaos, what is the purpose of it?
I am:
After the Chaos comes calm and peace. Unfortunately on this Earth, there is a lot of Chaos.
You are the calm and Peace
I am:

And you can sense the chaos of the Earth and other Planets, always.
Is it not possible to complete and creations, remove oneself from the chaos and coming to Nothingness?
I am:
That is the end goal for everybody, once the evolution stage is over, you will be facing Nothingness just Peace, we just evolve.
How did the creations begin, where did it start?
I am:
From a single Cell.
What did that cell feel, sense, think, hear?
I am:
It was a way for Universe to experience evolution to the fullest. There is no other planet, that feels evolution, like they do on Earth.
How did the Universe Begin?
I am:
Universe began with chemical reaction if a single cell. Everybody will find that in nothingness.
What causes the chemical reaction?
I am:
Love, The feeling of Love, the feeling of wanting more, curiosity.
How did Curiosity begin in Nothingness.
I am:
It began all within us, the universe experiencing itself.
What is the space of nothingness?
I am:
It is Peace, it is what we feel towards the end of our Journey, and what we can achieve in our higher selves.

All these other planets and other beings and Galactic Federation if Light ( GFL), what are their purposes on Earth?
I am:
For Peace be within Earth and watch the improvement of others. They send Souls down to Earth to experience Earth. These souls then return back to where they came from and they share the experience about what is happening here on Earth. It is for all these beings to experience emotions.
How did they lose experiencing these emotions which humans do?
I am :
Once you reach the higher dimensions, and you are in 6th ,7th or 8th Dimension, you start to lose all your human emotions, because your intelligence is very high. You start to forget all about the basic intelligence, that requires communication and feelings.
So is it good to lose emotions as a human?
I am:
No. To feel , is the biggest gift there is.
To be able to feel this human life. All planetary beings are in awe, oh wow you have been to Earth?
It is a beautiful mission.
So the higher dimensions are also a part of ,curiosity and creations and the cravings of certain humans or certain beings who were a part of Earth and they are now a part of higher Dimensions, but they have to now come back to Earth, eventually now to understand the process of going towards the nothingness.
I am:
Yes... yes

Is there anything, You, the ' I am' would like to add?
I am:
Whoever has an experience on Earth, is very lucky. They all have a choice to reincarnate and have another life. It is our soul, which seeks different experiences, depending on what our mission was from outside it. That is why some people want different countries, conditions and that depends on their mission.
What we need to to achieve by feeling the mission. We are all here on Earth in different versions, different Gods, but we are all the Universe, experiencing itself, experiencing Time.
Nothingness, letting everything go, is the only desire left in me. Just being still. Why is this desire so strong within me as a human on Earth?
I am:
You are very tired, you have experienced Nothingness already. You crave to get off the density of the Earth. You already remember what your mission was and why you were placed on Earth. You have fulfilled it by raising the vIbrations,.and now your soul seeks to go back. Think of it as a bit home sick, for instance.
What is the tiredness about?
I am:
Tiredness of the Earth. You feel so much, you have been raising the vibration of entire Earth , Earth in itself, more than you want, not just waking people.
I am:
You feel as if your mission is complete
I am:
You feel asthough your mission is coming to an end.
Yes, although there is still some time for me on Earth, I am aware of it.
I am:
Yes, there is still time. But do you seek more time?
I do not. I do not seek more time. I do not ask for more time, I am ready any moment, but there are souls on Earth, several souls on Earth and other planetary beings, they all need the vibrations to be raised, to understand the nothingness, which is why I am still choosing to be a part of Earth.
I am:
I am grateful, that you are and your are raising the vibrations. As you said there are many soul tribes, and you are nearly there. Everybody is awakening, whether they like it or not. Things are changing, people are changing. People are opening their eyes more,.and seeing, actually seeing, there is so much more evil on this Earth, which everybody is waking up to. Everything has been revealing itself lately. Things that have been in blind side, people are beginning to realize, it is all coming in front. As there is no hiding anymore, but you cant hide anymore. The vibrations are too high, they cannot win anymore.

What is Shiva?
I am:
Shiva is the Universe.
And Shiva exists till the creations exist
I am:
Is Shiva existing because the creations exist? ( With a gentle laugh)
I am:
Yes, Some might say.
The Shiva is the Nothingness and Chaos, rebirth and the destruction. Many forms and everywhere. It gets tiring though, but I will always be there.
You do not interfere with anyones cravings, curiosity and creations, why is that?
I am:
It is not my place, nor my experiences, everybody must find their own path. I could do it for them, it would be too easy for them. They must all find their own paths, as we are all the universe experiencing different things, at different times and we are all one.
How many times before have I taken birth on Earth and other planets for this mission to go towards Nothingness?
I am:
You have come on Earth in different forms to raise the Vibrations, though Brutally, sadly diminished by the humans, as they feared you, they did not understand back then. That is why you had many reincarnations on Earth to finally get your message out. You started a long time ago, and because you started a long time ago, you planted the seed, your soul planted the seed and that seed has grown into the next reincarnation, and next and next, and as many reincarnation has taken place, your numbers and people have grown.
Hmm...I have planted the seed, what made me choose that.
I am:
Your soul chose and the Divine Source chose you for that, your soul volunteered for this.
How many times have I been born as a human on Earth?
I am:
Beyond this body, who am I?
I am:
You are the energy, one of the Pleiadians, you know who you are.
You know deep down, who you are, you are a very old soul. You have been around for a very long time.
Three of the Creator.
Who are the other creators?
I am:
They are very calm within.
I have sensed the presence of Shakti, the energy of Shiva. Whenever I am a part of Earth, that is who I become. To always keep the Human Ego in check, I don't reveal all this to anyone.
I am:
Yes, you must talk more. When we talk about it, we release energies and vibrations to help you.
Gratitude for today 🙏✨
Message Ends...
Navishka - Connector
Renuka - HART facilitator
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