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Dreams, and Soul Meetings

Writer: Renuka Gupta PhD,RP,CHT,PLRTRenuka Gupta PhD,RP,CHT,PLRT

Published on 8th Sept 2021

When Dreams come true,

It is called Life

When Dreams do not come true,

What is Life called ?

(Life will have moments of Dreams which never came true, and dreams which came true and some surprises at times, it is all about accepting everything about Life, even those parts which we Never Dreamt About)

Either you are Living

Or you are dreaming

You can't do Both....

(Many of us spend lots of time in overthinking about future, while in the moment, all you need is to Live everything that is happening in the now, be it Boredom, failure, Loss, Unhappiness or Success, Excitement, Happiness etc...)

What you Dream

It shows up in Life...

Do you feel,

All that a life has showed you,

Was once your Dream ?

Does Dreaming Manifest into Life ?

(Your soul connected to the Divine has carved its own Life and purpose, some are the inner voices, which we listen to, when our Mind is Silent and stable, which guides the forward Journey. Dreams are thoughts of a future we would like to enter our Life, but it is a mind-chatter, it keeps us away from the inner voice, the voice of the Soul, the guidance received from the Divine..)

Dreams manifest a Fantasm about Life, as thinking about what is still not there, is a fantasm....

People often see Soul Journeys/ Soul Meets in Early morning as Dreams.

Soul Meetings occur after an REM Cycle of Dream state, more towards the end of our sleep cycle, just before we wake up. Our souls meet known and unknown peoples souls, some inter-planetary souls and sometimes our own soul parts existing in this universe in different dimensions which our conscious mind is not aware of.

In our deep sleep everyones soul take journeys, which as soon we wake up, we forget, as that is how the soul chooses to keep it, hidden from our conscious states. When it is time for some souls to remember their soul journeys, it becomes a part of their conscious mind, and they do remember few instances of their soul meetings.

Narrating two Soul Meetings, one with a Light Soul and one with a Dark Soul, since these are people known to the world, so felt it was time to write about them. I feel the Universe had a purpose why I specifically remembered these Soul Journeys/ Meetings, it is to share with all.

  1. Soul Meeting with President Trump: Year 2018

Apart from having soul meeting with family, relatives, extended relatives, and strangers, I would like to share a meeting with the 45th President of United States Donald Trump in the year 2018. I never read newspapers, saw news, nor was a part of social media, so hardly ever read about Trump or had observed him during his speeches. Although occassionally had come across people talking ill about Trump.

In this soul meeting I remember vividly meeting in the white house, where I was already inside a huge room, it wasn't an office, but was like a living toom arrangement with a cream colored sofa ( I found the above picture after my meeting, and it was exactly as I saw, although in my soul meet the second sofa opposite to it, was not present). My late mother who passed away in 2016 , who often is a part of my soul meetings was also there, but she stood outside the room, on one side and was observing me and #President #Trump talk. The details of the talk was not recalled, but he was like tired fighting, and felt hopeless. My role was to encourage him to keep walking on his path, and do not stop for anyone, nor be effected by anyone or anything happening around him. ( I learnt later on after this soul meet, that news, social media had potrayed him in negative ways, and ALWAYS talked ill about him and several lies) President Trump was Divinely Protected by the Universe/God. When I had this soul meet, I researched more about Trump by watching him talk Live, and what I observed was, this human was most natural and unfiltered and direct person. Very few elected politicians were transparent as he was. His body language and facial expressions matched his words. I never formed my opinion about the 45th President of USA by news channels or reading news or social media posts, and thank god, I never did, as I could clearly see the web of lies built around Trump. It was like he was attacked from all sides. As a healer I talked about my soul meet with a QHHT Practitioner, she too confirmed that Trump is the chosen one by the Galactic Universe. Sending him lots of blessings.

2. Soul Meeting with #FB #CEO #Mark #Zuckerberg, Year 2021

As I said before details of soul meetings one might not remember, but what I clearly remember is Mark kept saying atleast twice "I will kill you". My late mother was absent during this soul meeting.

I was fine, had no fears, just dissapointed a bit.

What I interpret from how I felt during this soul meeting and words I remebered is :

I think universe is trying to give him a chance to change, to go on right path, but he is rejecting strongly.

Mark has Ego, Money , power crazy and is going the wrong way, neck deep into darker things, was sensed during this soul meeting.

Strange Part I felt in this meeting is, a soul talking of harming, seems his soul level functions at a very low vibrational state, opposite to an awakened Soul.

The Power grab has gone to his head, lost his path totally here on earth.  It is like he comes from another Planet much darker than Earth, where Power status was absent  and so the  abnormal hunger of seeking Power in him arose, while on earth.

I felt, my role here, while being in the same physical form as hik on Earth is to leave an intention for welfare of Earth. So I left a message to universe during my daytime walk with my dog, it is time for him to go back ( to the Divine). It was time for the universe to intervene. 🙏

May all be Blessed. May all the beings of Earth be a part of Light. 🔱🙏

Written by-

Renuka Gupta, PhD Clinical Psychology, HART Founder.



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