It has been revealed to us through several books and various talks that we are born to learn to Love and Give. We the energies who are a part of the Divine source, the Source which is complete Consciousness.
Haven't we already learnt Love and Compassion to begin with, isn't that why we were all once a part of Divine Consciousness, or have we lost our memory and our way? Is that why we all keep taking births, in different dimensions and planets, to eventually remember, that LOVE is the energy force we are all made of, and we as an energy are one?
Once we are born, we split into different energy forms taking various shapes, figures, visible and invisible beings, animate and inanimate objects. Are we still 'One' then? If we are still one , then why do we have to remember to Love each other and be compassionate to each other? Which comes to a very obvious conclusion, once we are born into different forms, we are split energy forms, we forget we were ONE.
So what is the reason as to why we forget, that we all come from Consciousness, One Divine Energy? Why does it become so hard to Love, and to be compassionate towards all beings, once we take birth? Is it even possible to be ALWAYS Loving, ALWAYS Compassionate towards all in different forms ?
There are those who have lost their path, moving further away from Divine Consciousness, then there are those who are directly from the Divine Consciousness and have taken birth, and so still carry the light within them to awaken those who lost their path. Those who have lost their path, function more from a space of Self Fulfillment, rather than a place of fulfilling each other.
Is it possible for those who still remember their path, and those still walking on the path of Love and Compassion and trying to awaken others through their light, to limitlessly keep giving Love and Compassion to all while being born in different forms?
To be Loving and Compassionate towards those who constantly seek self fulfillment, will it eventually open their hearts to being Loving and Compassionate towards others, or will it make them become habituated to be focused on Self Fulfillment?
As energies , being a part of Divine Conscioussness, we are all pure Love and Compassion, once born, we have the free will to choose who we become.
If one keeps filling a deep hole on Earth, one shall be able to fill it up. If one keeps filling an emotional, thought level hole in the heart, can it be filled? This hole is an endless hole for those who are constantly 'Self fulfilling', created by their free will. It is this free will which helps a person ultimately choose the limits to pouring Love and Compassion for all.
We are energies, living in forms and given free will. As energies we are Love. As a form, we have the free will to Remember or Forget the energy 'Love'. Those who remember 'Become Love', those who Forget 'Become Lost', till they use their own 'free will' to Become Love.
Who have you become ?
By Renuka